Veterans Homeless Prevention Demonstration Project-MisHAP
I went to VA and asked for help May 13, 2011 (Friday). I was referred after many attempts to "L" at the VA Homeless Prevention Program she is downtown at the homeless shelter off Imperial Ave, San Diego. She told me, after I provided her all of the paperwork, that she would submit my paperwork to the board and ask for the release of funds, after my landlord provided her his portion of the information. She said that I qualify under all of the standards to receive help with back rent, and rent for the next three months. On this day she told me to" go home and unpack , You wont be moving right away now." My landlord spoke to her that very same day and my landlord submitted his paperwork the same day. She assured my landlord that she would submit the paperwork to the board for approval.
I had a job interview earlier that week with "Big PCS Hardware Corporation" as an RF Engineer, and I was to find out the result of that this afternoon. It turned out I was not the candidate of the litter, AGAIN. I returned to L for our scheduled follow up appointment.
At this appointment I tell her, I was rejected from the "Big PCS Hardware Corporation" position. At this point in the day I already frustrated with programs, she then tells me that she feels that since I have been out of work for over 99 weeks that I may not be able to get work , so she is now refusing to submit the paperwork to the board under the premise that I have been out of work for so long. I remain calm and I let her know that I will be contacting every news authority that will listen. I am a veteran and I need help, What program is going t help and why is it so hard to get the help!??? I let her know that she has embarrassed me further , by going back on our deal, she shouldn't have spoke to my landlord .
A few days later she calls my land lord (Tuesday 24 May 2011 ) and lets him know she is not going to submit my request for services. My landlord is working on the Pipes in the dwelling i live at , so he then lets me now that me and my kids need to be out of our place by 31 May -8 days.
So here I am today, Monday memorial day, a veteran, female with children , and a heart condition , trying to move out of an apartment with not one dime to my name, two kids, two cats and dog. to where???? I have no income coming in at all!
I ask you , general public , have you ever went to social services and asked for help? When your social worker spoke to you was it in a tone that promotes no worries? Did you receive the service you were looking for?
Answer these questions , lets start a forum from the citizens of San Diego. These programs are not working equally and we as female veterans need to request services at least equal to the male homeless veteran. Single Vets vs. Vets with dependents. etc.....My family is experiencing the loophole that no female vet with dependents should find. Help me fix it !
Reply to my post , forward it and help me get help to all homeless female vets with children , - there are very very few facilities across the US to help them.
I also found this article,other women across the country in my exact similar situation! What is going on, we all seem to have the same diseases?
Homeless Women Veterans Need More Clinical Resources, Open Ears
Homeless Vets
The Huffington Post Jessica Prois First Posted: 04/12/11 10:51 AM ET Updated: 04/12/11 10:54 PM ET
To immediately help my family today call 619-674-0110 and ask for Pam