Really are you serious? 8 schools, 5 teachers each school = 2,000,000.00 with the average income of 50 thousand dollars per year? They are only going to be at work for 9 months of the year. I mean really, 40,0000 average yes but 50? That is far to high. I feel like someone is mis managing money .
As a parent with children in the DMUSD I am confused as to why our curriculum doesn’t include science and technology in the first place! what year are we in?
Type: School / School District
Median Salary by Job
National Salary Data (?All compensation data shown are the gross, national median (50th percentile). Pay can vary greatly by location. To view local data, take the PayScale survey.)
High School Teacher
Elementary School Teacher
Middle School Teacher
Special Education Teacher, Preschool, Kindergarten, or Elementary School
Special Education Teacher, Secondary School
Secondary School Teacher
Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP)
Country: United States | Currency: USD | Updated: 28 Mar 2011 | Individuals Reporting: 53,813
It appears to me that the DMSEF is over paying teachers, they do not even work year round! DMUSD also has more half days that the San Diego school District and they also have more days out of school. I just don’t get it. Someone please tell me why it takes two million dollars to fund 40 teachers /5 teacher over 8 schools. I believe we could get the job done in half the amount with less teachers and still have the same effect, maybe because they get paid more that the average teacher across the country they will stay later at school and take more time to contact the parents.
It’s just my opinion, whats yours.