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Thursday, January 26, 2012

IRS and VA in Cahoots??? Shoot me Now!

A sad thing has happened to this dear ole veteran...In 2010, My kids and I spent 3 months homeless trying to utilize the VA programs prior to becoming homeless, and there again after. I was comfotered at the fact that I had medical care, since I entered thier system just 1 1/2 years after my cancer diagnosis. we had no real income all year 2011 , I couldn't possibly owe income tax. Apparently while I was being provided care from VA I was racking up a bill. They intercepted my income tax refund of 411 dollars of that I owed 333 Dollars to VA. IS this normal for all of us veterans. I was jobless, broke ill, homeless with two kids. I should have sued my former employer wen I had the "right to sue " letter in my hand, but noooo, I took the route with integrity and held my head high, and moved on..... ... I wonder whats to happen to our veterans? who advocates for us? When will the VA recognize females as homeless and provide services to us and our children , the sufferers of our demise. As per the National Coalition the Number of Homeless Veterans & Veteran-Specific Beds by Region in California has 739 transitional beds available and 12,771 homeless veterans. Anyone see a problem? Even worse this department isn;t recognizing female veterans and thier children. How many of these 12,771 are females? How many are dual vet families? I think we the people , should get some answers.!

Veteran and his spouse with cancer needs shelter and medical care!

I keep seeing this couple on the side of the road with a sign. asking for help, so I stopped. I am veteran who has had cancer and I was homeless just after while recovering , I have two children, but I survived. This couple, is a young veteran and his wife. They are homeless, she has Ovarian cancer which she claims , it has spread into her upper abdominal cavity. They are homeless and begg for change 1/2 a block from a VA Medical Facility. VA service are too slow, he is waiting for a disability approval and VASH, but resources are too slow. I do not have room here to help nor the resources but I thought If I could reach out , someone could help them. Can you help provide shelter and treatment to these people if I bring them to you? Call Precious Cargo- 619-674-0110