asked by Meghan Casserly, FORBESWOMAN On Sexual Harassment: Hey Ladies, Man Up! Dec. 10 2010 - 3:38 pm
Do you think you’ve been primed to think you’re being sexually harassed by every man who treats you poorly?
Yes, pertaining to the workplace, I believe women are being primed from a very young age. A sample is we are told from that if a little boy pulls our hair, it’s because he likes us (interested in us). Later these beliefs stay within our “caution boundary”
Is it fair to say that women wanted to be treated equally?
Yes, when women’s liberation started out, it was the intention of women to be thought of as equal citizens, equally lawful and abiding with equal say our communities, we demanded respect and set out to prove capabilities to meet these demands.
If that means putting up with questionable or uncomfortable language, do you still want it?
Yes, to some degree we expect to put up with questionable or uncomfortable language, we have to know when to let it roll and when to keep our “class”. In general no, but in certain settings it’s expected. (Chosen occupations) We want men to meet us half way and put up with our questionable and uncomfortable behavior too.
As a prior Army Sergeant and I learned to balance “field talk” and corporate “talk”. In order to get to balance or equalization there needs to be a compromise.
In an Industrial setting, If I were a civilian and in the work place, let’s say construction, then yes as a women I should expect to hear foul language and sometimes in appropriate comments. After all, if a woman works in the industrial trades, she will constantly be making sexual innuendos because most tools and equipment are in some way shape or form a Freudian slip or can be perceived as an innuendo. A woman would have to clearly understand just how her co-workers will perceive the way she speaks, moves and her expressions will dictate how the listener will perceive. It is her job to ensure that her counterparts are clear on her position if an uninvited sexual advance should occur. Typically, a woman will need to work harder to keep up with her male counterparts only if she has a physical limitation. Comments about her physic from colleges can be misconstrued as sexual in nature, so it depends on the intent and perception, of the listener and receiver. Where the comments are taken place, what setting, what triggered it and so forth.
In a corporate setting …All employees should be treated equally based on performance of capacity in their current role, remembering that performance is relative. A man who does not have children will appear to work longer hours, and regularly, while a single mother in the same position may appear to work less hours or untraditional hours. The question is can they both turn in the same work? If not, Why? Did the manager offer training equally to both employees, did either employee refuse training, which employee is more determined to succeed, which employee has longevity? Men need to come half way and women need to come half way as far as behavioral expectations. In my opinion, in today’s day and age the man –vs- woman point is mute; it should be from a manager-employee perspective. Meaning that there are behaviors’ that are appropriate for a manager, as well as an employee. Any manager who hinders diversity and inclusion should be met with severe repercussions, which should be related to work place rules.
Or would you rather be treated like a lady? Yes, an intelligent lady. Why not? I am a lady or woman; it’s a sign of respect to mind manners.
And if so—what does that mean for women’s lib?
My belief is that Womans lib is a mute point. Employees and employers need to understand that broken homes are at the frontier of today’s family. If corporations want to continue to compete in the United State they need to be able to provide the services for the si9ngle parent family, whether that is a man or a woman. Both genders are experiencing the same difficulties in raising offspring as individuals, and let’s face it men! That’s the real problem women have in the workplace, its balancing family and work without guilt or failure in either direction and usually without the support of management or the corporation itself.
Womans lib has nothing to do with Manners. I believe it to be thought of as equal citizens, equally lawful and abiding with equal say our communities, we demanded respect and set out to prove capabilities to meet these demands. People need to be aware they are sharing the workplace and considerations need to be made, this is why we are civilized people. Without order and rules equal for both, mayhem and abuse ensues.
On the contrary , ironically, the uprising of women in the work place has inadvertently created a lot of lazy men.